Corporate Headshots Using A Photobooth

Here at JL Images we are always looking at ways to make life interesting for our clients. We recently completed an interstate contract where we took a Photobooth to the various state branches of a well-known conglomerate, which served both as a serious purpose and a fun, team-building exercise.

The company not only wanted a cost-effective way to upload pictures of staff members to its website but to do so in a way that was enjoyable for the staff. This is where our Photobooth came into its own. It ended up being a great day at each of our stops. Not only could the corporate shots be uploaded to the website, but staff also took some silly shots, too. They could then input their email address on the Photobooth and link the pictures they took to their social networking pages such as Facebook and Twitter.

The staff had a great time getting ready for the serious shots and hamming it up for their personal pics – all in the space of a day. The company was pleased not only with the shots taken and team-building aspects of the exercise, but the savings in staff downtime and costs were an added bonus.